pycropml.transpiler.Parser module

class pycropml.transpiler.Parser.opt(**kwds)[source]

Read, parse a Cython code and generate an abstract syntaxique tree.

Context: Compilation context: contains every pxd ever loaded, path information and the data related to the compilation. Class where it is implemented Cython parse method.

options: To set Compilation Options as
language_level: The source language level to use, formal_grammar: to define if it will be used to Parse the file evaluate_tree_assertions: To evaluate parse tree show_version : To display version number use_listing_file: Generate a .lis file errors_to_stderr: Echo errors to stderr when using .lis include_path: Directories to search for include files output_file: Name of generated .c file generate_pxi: Generate .pxi file for public declarations capi_reexport_cincludes: Add cincluded headers to any auto-generated header files. timestamps: Only compile changed source files verbose : Always print source names being compiled compiler_directives: Overrides for pragma options (see Options.py) embedded_metadata: Metadata to embed in the C file as json. evaluate_tree_assertions: Test support: evaluate parse tree assertions cplus : Compile as c++ code

Here default options were used except language level

Scanning.FileSourceDescriptor: Represents a code source. Only file sources for Cython code supported